Movies for Resilience: Nope

Watch a Movie & Join a Conversation
Join us for a free movie at the Sabathani Auditorium – popcorn and a drink included! We’ve got something for everyone, from cartoons to thrillers to documentaries, with Spanish and English language options.
Each movie is followed by a discussion led by a community member on how we can be a more resilient community. We’ll talk about what resources are available for emergency preparedness and how to handle unexpected situations such as power outages.
Event Details
Thursday, July 11: 6pm – 8:30pm (The Lorax)
Thursday, July 18: 6pm – 8:30pm (Nope)
Thursday, July 25: 6pm – 8:30pm (After Maria)
Doors open at 6pm
Movie starts at 6:30pm
Discussion to follow
Sabathani Auditorium
310 East 38th Street, Minneapolis
Free to attend!
About the Movies
Thursday, July 11: FAMILY NIGHT – The Lorax (2012)
A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it, he must discover the story of the Lorax, a grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.
Language: English with Spanish subtitles
Rated: PG (all ages)
Thursday, July 18: THRILLER NIGHT – Nope (2022)
The residents of a lonely gulch in inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery. Written, directed, and produced by Jordan Peele.
Language: English with Spanish subtitles
Rated: R (ages 17+ unless accompanied by an adult)
Thursday, July 25: LATINX NIGHT – After Maria (2019)
Puerto Rican women are forced to flee the island after Hurricane Maria and bond like family in a FEMA hotel in the Bronx. They seek stability in their new life as forces try to pull them apart.
Language: Spanish with English subtitles
Documentary; not rated (recommended ages 12+)
Jueves, 25 de julio: NOCHE LATINX – After Maria (2019)
Mujeres puertorriqueñas se ven obligadas a huir de la isla después del huracán María y se unen como una familia en un hotel de FEMA en el Bronx. Buscan estabilidad en su nueva vida mientras fuerzas intentan separarlas.
Idioma: Español con subtítulos en inglés
Documental; no clasificado (edades recomendadas: 12+)
Save your spot!
Presented by Sabathani Community Center in partnership with the City of Minneapolis and Minneapolis Climate Action as part of Resilient Hubs Minneapolis.