Sabathani’s Community Energy Project: Fighting the Good Fight
South Minneapolis residents deserve protection from the changing climate. For three years, Sabathani Community Center has led the charge to right the climate injustices done to South Minneapolis, but we

Food Insecurity: Sabathani Taking Action
Food Distribution Center staff: Tazrae Songany, Grace Warner, Sherri Green, and Gregory Perry. With the cost of groceries skyrocketing over the past year, many households are struggling to put food

A Message from CEO Redd – Spring 2023
Spring is here, a time for new beginnings and new energy. Are you feeling it? Here at Sabathani, our team is definitely feeling the vibe with many good things happening.

Give More by Donating This March
The Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign is an opportunity to help keep 300 food shelves statewide stocked throughout the year. During the annual March campaign, now underway, 100% of donations received

Celebrating Black Excellence
In February 2023, United States Representative Ilhan Omar hosted a gathering at North Loop Gallery to commemorate Black History Month with Black elected officials and community leaders, including Sabathani CEO

Community Needs Assessment Survey
Help us Build Back Better & Beyond! Your input will directly shape how the Sabathani Community Center will operate. Sabathani Community Center believes in doing with its community and not